Hello Saanich Lacrosse community.
The Association will work with JDF, Penlax and VELA again this year to train new and returning officials. Officials typically need to be in their 13th birth years (2012 or older). However, Associations have latitude to consider 2013 players under certain circumstances given the demand for new officials.
There are three courses offered:
Entry Level (New Officials): Up to U11 on floor and U13 clock
Level 1 (Entry Level Required): Up to U13 on floor and U15 clock
Level 2 (Level 1 Required) = Up to U17 floor and clock
The Association will pay the course fee for officials. It will also pay for an Officials jersey. Officials will be required to complete a floor session after they complete their course work before they will be assigned to games.
The Association registers those wishing to take officials courses with BCLA on their behalf. Please fill out the Officials Pre-Registration Form. The Association will provide names to BCLA and arrange for new and returning officials to register for the required course.
Thank you for your willingness to officiate. There would be no games without you.
Saanich Lacrosse Association
Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Defense
Pearkes Fieldhouse
Defense - Principles, positioning, transition, and effective team defense strategies
Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Offense
Pearkes Fieldhouse
Offense - Scoring Tactics, movement, transition and offensive systems
Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Special Teams
Pearkes Field House
Special Teams - Power play, penalty kill and situational strategies