2025 Season Registration

Please Read All Information Prior to Registering (Link at Bottom)


General Registration Information 

The British Columbia Lacrosse Association adopted RAMP Registration this season. This means that new and returning families will go through a full registration process. New users will need to create a profile. Returning RAMP Registration users can log in with their existing profile.  


Select "Register as a Participant" after you create your profile. You will need the following information in digital format to complete the registration process:


  • Birth Certificate or alternate official proof of birth date
  • Confirmation of residence (e.g., identification with address, lease agreement, utility bill, etc.)


You will only need to enter this information once and it will reside on the registration for future seasons.


IMPORTANT: Players in U11 and higher must be properly registered and either have a) fees paid in full or b) application confirmation for a sponsorship program (e.g., Jumpstart, Kidsport) before they can attend evaluation sessions.


Saanich Lacrosse intends to create teams of up to 18 runners and two goalies. The Association may establish waitlists when registration demand exceeds the number of available team or roster spots. Registration is not first come, first serve. Families can review the Registration Policy for more information. 


Female Registration Information

Female players may register for an Mixed (male and female) team or a Female team. The Victoria-Esquimalt Lacrosse Association (VELA) manages female lacrosse on behalf of the four Greater Victoria associations.


Female players are required to register with Saanich Lacrosse as their home association. Please select the female only option in the registration system and the Association will forward to VELA. 


Female division practices may be moved between Victoria facilities based on availability. Please contact victoriawomensboxlacrosse@gmail.com if you have questions.


Age Divisions 

DivisionYear BornBirth Year
U7 2019-2020 5th/6th
U9 2017-2018 7th/8th
U11 2015-2016 9th/10th
U13 2013-2014 11th/12th
U15 2011-2012 13th/14th
U17 2009-2010 15th/16th
U11 (Female) 2015-2016 9th/10th
U13 (Female) 2013-2014 11th/12th
U15 (Female) 2011-2012 13th/14th
U17 (Female) 2009-2010 15th/16th
U22 (Female) 2004-2008 17th through 21st


Mixed Team Payment Information 

The registration system will provide fee and payment information. The Association only accepts electronic transfers at this time. Please include player information in the e-transfer message using the following format:


  • U15 Registration for John Doe
  • U11 Registration for Jane Doe


Please select "Sponsorship" in the registration process if you have applied, or intend to apply for Kidsport, Jumpstart, or other sponsorship program. The Association will note this in the player's registration information and payment will be arranged after completion of the sponsorship process.


Families with Three or More Players: You will be charged full registration for the two highest cost players. Each player after that will be $96 which represents the BCLA registration fee and the Association's administrative costs. The Registrar will confirm registration for all players and then contact families directly with the payment amount.  


Please note that registration fees covers the Association's cost to provide its program (i.e., facilities, logistics, coaching, equipment, operations, etc.). It is common for teams to collect additional fees during the season to offset team-specific costs (e.g., tournaments, team swag, team events, etc.).


Female Team Payment Information

The registration will provide fee information. Female registrants pay VELA directly at velalacrossetreasurer@gmail.com


Please note that VELA sets the fees for female divisions based on its operational requirements. There may also be supplemental costs (e.g., fundraising fees, equipment fees, clothing fees, etc.) once teams are formed. 


Team Apparel

Players will require Saanich shorts for league games. The Association will manage this through a separate ordering process this season. More information will be provided in the New Year. 

Female Players will require VELA shorts. VELA will provide additional clothing order information after registration and payment is complete.


Upcoming Events

Mar. 16, 2025 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Defense
Pearkes Fieldhouse
Defense - Principles, positioning, transition, and effective team defense strategies

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Mar. 23, 2025 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Offense
Pearkes Fieldhouse
Offense - Scoring Tactics, movement, transition and offensive systems

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Mar. 30, 2025 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Coaching Clinic with Walt Christianson - Special Teams
Pearkes Field House
Special Teams - Power play, penalty kill and situational strategies

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